ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Internet and Technology Law Desk Reference

Okay, so you know how you like to use your tablet or phone to watch videos or play games, right? Well, those devices connect you to something called the internet, which is a big network of computers all over the world that can talk to each other.

Now, there are lots of different laws that apply to the internet and the technology we use to access it. Some laws are there to help protect us, like laws that prevent people from using our personal information without our permission or laws that make it illegal to bully someone online.

Other laws are there to make sure people are using technology fairly, like laws that prevent companies from tricking us into buying things we don't really want or laws that make sure everyone has equal access to the internet.

The Internet and Technology Law Desk Reference is a really big book (like, really, really big) that has all of the important laws and rules that apply to things like using social media, buying things online, and even creating your own website. It's like a big encyclopedia that helps lawyers and other people make sure they know all the rules and can help people if they have problems online.

Basically, it's a big book that helps people understand all the different rules and laws that apply when you use technology to access the internet.