ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Internet censorship in China

Okay kiddo, so in China, there are certain rules about what people can and cannot see or do on the internet. The government is in charge of making these rules, and they do it to try and make sure that people only see things that they think are okay.

So, let's say you're in China and you want to look something up online, like pictures of cats. Well, the government might not think that's a good idea, so they might block certain websites or apps that have cats on them. That means you won't be able to see those cute kitty pictures no matter how hard you try.

But it's not just pictures of cats that the government is worried about. They also block certain websites and apps that they think might be harmful or too critical of the government. For example, they might block social media sites like Facebook or Twitter, because they don't want people to say things that could be seen as criticizing the government.

Now, you might be wondering, how do they do this? Well, the government has something called "The Great Firewall". It's like a big wall that they use to block things they don't want people to see. It's kind of like a fence around a playground that keeps some kids out who aren't playing nicely.

But sometimes the government also uses this wall to keep people in China from seeing things that are happening outside of China. So, for example, if there's a news story about something happening in another country that the Chinese government doesn't want people to know about, they can block that news site so people in China can't see it.

So, that's how internet censorship works in China, kiddo. The government decides what's okay for people to see and blocks anything they don't want people to see using a big wall called "The Great Firewall".