When you use the internet, you can access lots of information and websites. But sometimes, the government or people in charge of the internet in a country might decide that some information or websites are not good for people to see.
In India, there are rules that allow the government to block or restrict access to certain websites or information. This is called internet censorship. The government might do this because they think that the information could be dangerous or harmful to people or to the country.
For example, if someone is using the internet to plan a terrorist attack or spread fake news that could start riots or violence, the government might want to block that information from being shared. They might also want to block websites that have adult content or gambling, as they believe it can be harmful to children.
However, some people think that the government could use internet censorship to control what people see or limit their freedom of expression. They might feel that the government is only trying to keep people from seeing or sharing information that they don't agree with, rather than protecting them.
Overall, internet censorship is a complicated topic and there are people who have different opinions about it.