ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Interrupt vector table

Okay, imagine you have a toy chest full of different toys. Each toy represents something different that you can do when you play with it. Now, let's say you have a special list called the "interrupt vector table", which is like a big map that tells you which toy you need to play with depending on what happens.

So, let's say you are playing with your toys, but suddenly your mom calls you for dinner. This is an "interrupt" because it interrupts what you were doing before. The interrupt vector table is there to help you know which toy you need to play with when your mom calls you.

On the interrupt vector table, there are different numbers or addresses that represent different toys. Each of these numbers or addresses is like a special code for a specific toy. For example, if the number 1 represents the toy "put away your toys", then when your mom calls you, you can look at the interrupt vector table and see that number 1 corresponds to "put away your toys". So you know that you need to stop playing and put away your toys when your mom calls.

The interrupt vector table helps the computer do something similar. When the computer is doing a task, there may be situations where it needs to stop what it is doing and handle something more important or urgent, like an error or a request from another device. The interrupt vector table is like a big list that tells the computer which specific code it needs to execute when an interrupt happens.

So, whenever an interrupt occurs, the computer checks the interrupt vector table to see what code it needs to execute to handle that particular interrupt. This helps the computer to quickly respond to different events or requests without getting confused or overwhelmed.

Just like you can have different toys in your toy chest that help you with different activities, the interrupt vector table allows the computer to have different codes or routines that help it deal with different interrupts or events that happen while it is working on something else.