ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Intimate partner violence and U.S. military populations

Intimate partner violence means when a person (usually a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife) hurts their partner on purpose. This can happen physically (like hitting or slapping) or emotionally (like yelling or saying hurtful things).

The U.S. military is a big group of people who work together to protect our country. Sometimes, members of the military can have problems with intimate partner violence just like people who aren't in the military. But because the military is different from other jobs, it can be harder to get help if someone is experiencing intimate partner violence.

Some people in the military might be afraid to tell anyone if they're being hurt by their partner because they worry it could affect their career. Others might not know where to go for help or how to report what's happening.

The military has rules against intimate partner violence, and they have resources to help people who are experiencing it. It's important for everyone to know that hurting someone (physically or emotionally) is never okay, no matter who they are or where they work.