ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Invisible Class Empire

An invisible class empire is like playing hide-and-seek, but with money and power. Some people have a lot of money and power, but they don't want others to know about it. So, they keep it hidden and secret behind layers and layers of secrecy, just like hiding behind a blanket or a bush during hide-and-seek.

Imagine you are playing hide-and-seek, and you have a secret place where you can hide. This secret place is your invisible empire. You keep your toys and candy hidden there so that nobody else can find them. But imagine if you had a lot more than just toys and candy. Imagine if you had money, property, and businesses that you didn't want anyone else to know about. That's kind of like what an invisible class empire is.

Some people who have a lot of money and power want to keep it hidden, so they don't have to pay taxes, follow the rules, or share their wealth with others. They do this by creating secret companies, trusts, and bank accounts in different countries. These companies and accounts don't have their real name on them, just like how you might use a different name when you play pretend.

It's like having a secret club or a secret handshake, but for rich people. And just like in hide-and-seek, the people with invisible class empires are the best at hiding and staying invisible. But sometimes they get caught, and then people find out about their secret empires. When that happens, they usually have to pay a lot of money in fines or lose their power and reputation. So, it's not always a good idea to have an invisible class empire.