ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Alright kiddo, let me tell you about something called iobridge. It's a little like a magic box that connects things in your world with the internet.

So you know how you can use a computer or a phone to go on the internet and look up all sorts of fun things? Well, iobridge lets you do something a little different. You can use it to connect things in your world to the internet.

For example, let's say you have a light in your room. With iobridge, you can connect that light to the internet so you can turn it on and off with your phone or computer, even if you're not in your room! How cool is that?

Or maybe you have a plant that you want to take care of. You can use iobridge to create a little device that measures how much water the plant needs and sends that information to your phone. That way, you always know when to water your plant and keep it healthy.

iobridge basically helps you make things in your world a little bit smarter and easier to control. It uses technology to make your life more fun and convenient!