ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Iowa Writers' Workshop

The Iowa Writers' Workshop is a program where people who like to write can go to learn more about writing and get help from other people who also like to write. The program is located at the University of Iowa, in the United States.

Imagine you love to draw pictures with your crayons, but you want to learn more about how to use your colors and make your pictures even better. That's kind of like how people who want to be writers feel. They love to write, but they want to learn more about how to use words to tell stories that people will really enjoy reading.

At the Iowa Writers' Workshop, people who want to be writers can take classes to learn more about writing, like learning how to create characters or how to tell a story in an interesting way. They can also get help from other people who also love to write, like their teachers or other students in the program.

The program is very special because many famous writers have gone there to learn about writing, like Kurt Vonnegut and Flannery O'Connor. It's kind of like a secret club for people who love to write and want to get better at it!