ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Iranian citizens abroad

Imagine you live in a house with your family, and one day you decide to go and visit your friend's house. When you leave your house, you become an Iranian citizen abroad because you are not in your own country anymore.

Now, let's pretend that you really enjoy being at your friend's house and decide to stay for a long time. While you're away, you still have all the same rights as an Iranian citizen, like the right to vote and the right to be protected by the Iranian government if something bad happens to you. However, you might also have to follow some different rules, depending on where you are staying.

For example, if you're in a different country, you might have to speak a different language or eat different foods than you're used to. You might also need to follow different laws, which means you can't do things that might be allowed in Iran but are not allowed where you're staying.

If you're an Iranian citizen abroad, you might also sometimes have to visit the Iranian embassy in the country you're staying in. This is a special building that represents the government of Iran and can help you if you need it. For example, if you lose your passport, you can go to the embassy to get a new one.

Overall, being an Iranian citizen abroad means you are still a part of Iran but you're just living somewhere else for a little while. You can still enjoy all the same rights and protections as you would at home, but you might also have to follow some different rules or visit special places like embassies to get help if you need it.