ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Iranian nationality law

Okay, so you know how you were born here in the USA, right? That means you are an American!

Well, in Iran, when someone is born there, they are automatically considered an Iranian. But, there are some rules about who can become an Iranian citizen if they weren't born there.

For example, if your mom or dad were Iranian when you were born, then you have the right to be an Iranian citizen, just like how my friend's mom is from Canada but my friend can also be considered a Canadian citizen.

Another way to become an Iranian citizen is by marrying an Iranian. So, if you moved to Iran and married someone who was born there, you could apply to become an Iranian citizen.

But, it's important to remember that not everyone gets this privilege. For example, if someone is from a country that Iran doesn't have good relations with, they might be denied citizenship.

So, that's Iranian nationality law! It's basically a set of rules that explains who can be considered an Iranian citizen, and how they can become one.
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