ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Iranian passport

An Iranian passport is a special document that people from Iran use to travel to other countries. Imagine if you want to go visit your friend who lives in another city, you would need your parents to take you there or maybe take a train or a plane. But if you want to go visit your friend who lives in a different country, you would need a special passport that allows you to go through security and travel to that country.

So, an Iranian passport is like a ticket that you need to travel to other countries. You cannot just wake up one day and decide to visit a different country without it. It is a special document that proves who you are and where you are from, and it also allows you to enter other countries.

Now, imagine if you had a secret password that only you knew, and nobody else could pretend to be you. That's kind of what a passport is like. It has all of your personal information, like your name, date of birth, and your picture so that no one else can pretend to be you. It’s kind of like a really important secret code that you need to enter another country.

So, if you want to travel to other countries as an Iranian citizen, you will need your very own Iranian passport to prove who you are and to show that you have permission to be there. But remember, always make sure you take care of your passport and keep it safe because losing it can make it difficult to travel and return home.