ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Irrigation district

Okay kiddo, so an irrigation district is like a group of farmers or people who live in a certain area that work together to make sure there is plenty of water for their crops, gardens, and lawns.

Think of it like this: water is really important for plants to grow and stay healthy, just like how food and water are important for you and me to grow and stay healthy. But sometimes, there's not enough rain or natural water sources to provide all the water that plants need.

That's where the irrigation district comes in. They use special pipes, pumps, and other tools to move water from one place to another and distribute it to all the farmers and people who need it in the same area.

This way, everyone can get the water they need for their plants to grow and thrive. It's like sharing toys with your friends so everyone can have fun, except it's water and it helps things grow!