ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Isaac Roberts

Isaac Roberts was a really smart man who lived a long time ago. He was born in 1829 in England, which is a country across the ocean. Isaac was interested in lots of things like stars and making things go really fast. He was especially interested in the stars that twinkled in the sky at night. He wanted to know more about them and how they moved.

Isaac used something called a telescope to look at the stars. This was like a really tall tube with special glass at one end that made things far away look closer. Isaac wanted to take pictures of the stars he saw through his telescope so he made a special camera called a telescope camera. This camera was made so that it could be attached to Isaac's telescope and he could take pictures of the stars.

Isaac was really good at using his telescope camera and he took lots of pictures of the stars. When other people saw his pictures, they were amazed! They had never seen pictures of stars like that before. Isaac was very famous for his pictures of stars and he even won prizes for them.

Isaac wasn't just interested in stars, though. He also liked making things go really fast like trains and boats. He worked on inventing things that could make trains and boats go faster. He didn't invent anything that worked really well, but he had fun trying.

Even though Isaac Roberts lived a very long time ago, people still know about him and the pictures he took of the stars. He helped us learn more about the stars that twinkle in the sky at night, and that's pretty cool!