ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Islamic Reporting Initiative

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard about companies reporting how they are doing in things like making money or being eco-friendly? Well, the Islamic Reporting Initiative is a project that helps Muslim companies and organizations report on how well they are doing in a way that follows Islamic values.

See, Islam has some rules about how businesses should treat people and the planet, like being fair and not wasting resources. The Islamic Reporting Initiative helps companies track how well they are following these rules and report it in a clear way to their investors, customers, and other important people.

It's like a report card for companies to show how responsible they are and give people more information to make decisions about whether to support them or not.

So, in summary, the Islamic Reporting Initiative helps Muslim companies and organizations show how well they are following Islamic rules on being good to people and the planet to investors and others.