ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Isobaric loudspeaker

Okay, kiddo, so you know how sometimes we listen to music or watch a movie and there are speakers that make the sound really loud? Well, an isobaric loudspeaker is a special kind of speaker that works by having two speakers put together really close so they both make the sound louder.

Here's how it works: normally, when we have one speaker, it has a cone that moves back and forth to make the sound. But with an isobaric speaker, we have two cones that are connected in a special way called "push-pull." This means that when one cone moves out to make sound, the other cone moves in at the same time, and when the first cone moves back in, the second cone moves back out. It's like they're dancing together!

Because the cones are so close together, they work together to create more sound than just one cone could make alone. That's because when one cone moves out, it squishes the air and makes it denser (like squishing a balloon), but then the other cone moves in and pushes that denser air out even more, making the sound louder.

So, basically, an isobaric loudspeaker is a special kind of speaker that uses two cones working together to make the sound even louder than just one cone could make. Pretty cool, huh?