ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Isosaccharinic acid

Alright kiddo, let's learn about isosaccharinic acid! You know how we eat food made of different things, like bread, fruits, and candy? Well, when we eat foods that have a lot of sugar in them, our body breaks down the sugar into smaller pieces called molecules. Isosaccharinic acid is a type of molecule that is made up of sugar and some other chemicals.

Now, let's imagine we have some cookies. When we eat the cookies, the sugar in them gets broken down by our body into glucose molecules. But sometimes, if the cookies are very old or have been stored in a damp place, the sugar can turn into something called isosaccharinic acid. This can happen because of a type of bacteria that likes to grow on old or damp food.

Isosaccharinic acid isn't something we want to eat, because it can cause some problems in our bodies. It can make our stomachs feel upset, and it can also make it harder for our bodies to absorb the nutrients from the food we eat.

Scientists study isosaccharinic acid to understand how it forms and how we can prevent it from forming in our food. They also look at how to safely dispose of it, because it's not good for the environment either.

So, to sum up - isosaccharinic acid is a type of molecule made up of sugar and other chemicals that can form in old or damp food. It can cause stomach problems and make it harder for our bodies to get the nutrients we need. Scientists study it to learn how to prevent and get rid of it.