ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hello there! I will explain ius to you like you are five years old. Ius is a Latin word that means law or right. When we talk about ius, we mean the rules that people need to follow so that they can live together in a society that is fair and just for everyone.

Think of it like rules on the playground. Just like how you can't push someone or take their toys without asking, there are rules that people need to follow in society to make sure that everyone is treated fairly.

But these rules are bigger than just the playground. The rules that we follow in society include things like not stealing, not hurting others, and treating everyone with respect.

Ius is important because it helps to make sure that everyone is treated fairly and equally, and that nobody has an unfair advantage over anyone else. So just like how we follow rules on the playground to make sure everyone is safe and happy, we follow ius to make sure that everyone can live together in peace and harmony.