ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

J. A. Scott Kelso

Okay kiddo, let me explain about J.A. Scott Kelso. Have you ever played with building blocks or Legos? When you put the blocks together, you can create different structures, right? Well, J.A. Scott Kelso was interested in how the different parts of our brain work together, kinda like how the blocks fit together.

He found out that when we do things like moving our arms or legs, our brain sends messages to different parts of our body. But those messages don't just go in one direction. They also bounce back and forth between different parts of our brain, kinda like a game of catch.

Kelso also discovered that these back-and-forth messages create patterns that are kinda like a dance. When we move, our brain parts dance together to help us do things like run, jump, or even type on a computer!

So, J.A. Scott Kelso was like a scientist who studied how the different parts of our brains work together, kinda like how building blocks fit together to create cool structures. And he found out that when we move, our brains parts dance together in a pattern. Cool, huh?