ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jacobi–Madden equation

Have you ever played a guessing game, where someone thinks of a number and you try to figure out that number by guessing? Now imagine that instead of a person guessing a number, there are two computers trying to solve a math problem. One computer will guess an answer, and the other computer will check if that answer is correct. If it is not correct, the first computer will guess again and this will keep going until the right answer is found.

This is kind of like what the Jacobi-Madden equation does. It is a mathematical formula that helps computers to solve really complicated math problems. It uses something called matrix equations, which are like giant tables of numbers that represent equations with variables. It helps computers to find solutions to these equations by repeatedly guessing and checking until it finds the right answer.

The Jacobi-Madden equation is a specific way of using matrix equations to get closer and closer to the correct answer. It is named after two mathematicians, Carl Gustav Jacobi and Edward Madden, who both worked on this technique. By using this equation, computers can solve problems that would be too difficult for humans to solve on our own.

So, in summary, the Jacobi-Madden equation is a special formula that helps computers to solve tough math problems by repeatedly guessing and checking until the solution is found.