ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

James Ricketson

James Ricketson is a man who was accused of breaking a law in Cambodia. He is a filmmaker who was making a movie about politics in Cambodia. Cambodia is a country in Southeast Asia, and they have laws about making movies and taking pictures. One of the laws is that you need permission to film or take pictures in certain places.

James Ricketson didn't ask for permission to film in some of these places, and the government of Cambodia didn't like that. They arrested him and put him in jail for more than a year. This means he couldn't leave the jail, and he couldn't see his family or friends.

After a long time, there was a big trial to decide if James Ricketson was guilty or not. A trial is like a big test to see what really happened. The judges listened to the evidence, which is like the details and facts that show what happened. They decided that James Ricketson was guilty of breaking the law, and he had to stay in jail for six years. This made James Ricketson very sad and upset.

Some people say that James Ricketson didn't do anything wrong and that the government of Cambodia was just trying to scare him. Other people say that he did break the law, and he should have known better. Regardless of what really happened, James Ricketson's story is an example of how important it is to follow the laws of the country you are in.