ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Janus (time-reversible computing programming language)

Okay kiddo, do you know what a computer program is? It's a set of instructions that tells the computer what to do. And computers can do lots of things like playing games, solving math problems, and even controlling robots!

Now, let's talk about janus. It's a special type of programming language that is all about going backward and forward in time. Just like how you can rewind and fast forward a movie, janus lets you do the same thing with a computer program.

In a regular programming language, once you give a command, it happens and you can't undo it. But with janus, you can undo things that have already happened! This makes it very special because it can help you solve problems that regular programs can't.

Imagine you're playing a game and you accidentally click on the wrong button. With regular programming, you would have to restart the game to fix your mistake. But with janus, you can just go back in time to before you made the mistake and try again! Pretty cool, right?

Janus is still a new language and not many people use it yet. But it has a lot of potential to help us make even better computer programs in the future.