ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Japan–Korea disputes

Once upon a time, there were two countries called Japan and South Korea, who live close to each other in Asia. They both have had some problems with each other in the past, and they can't seem to agree on some things.

Their disagreements started a long time ago, around 1910 when Japan took control of the Korean peninsula and ruled it for 35 years. During that time, Japan forced Koreans to adopt Japanese culture and language, and many Koreans were mistreated.

After World War II, Japan left Korea, but the two countries still had a lot of disagreements about what happened between them during the colonial period. Some Koreans wanted compensation for the mistreatment they received. They blamed Japan for their problems, and they believe that Japan wasn't doing enough to make it right.

Another problem between the two countries is a group of islands that both Japan and Korea claim as their own. The islands are called Dokdo in Korean and Takeshima in Japanese, and both countries think they have a right to control them. This argument started when Korea had control of the islands, and Japan wanted them back.

Because of these and other issues, Japan and Korea's relationship is tense. Sometimes, their leaders have tried to work together, but it hasn't always gone well. They might need help from other countries to settle their disputes and try to get along better in the future.