ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Japanese invasion of Manchuria

When Japan invaded Manchuria, it was like a kid taking toys from another kid without asking for permission. Manchuria was a big area located in northeast China and it was rich in natural resources like coal and iron. Japan wanted these resources to help their own country grow and become stronger.

So, Japan sent their soldiers to Manchuria and made it their own territory, just like claiming a toy that belongs to someone else. This made China very upset because they felt like their stuff was being taken away.

Japan said that they invaded Manchuria to protect their own country and to spread their ideas, just like when you tell your mom that you want to play with your friend’s toys because they look fun. But many people didn't believe them and thought that they were being selfish and mean to China for taking their things without asking.

This invasion led to a lot of fighting and disagreements between Japan and other countries. It was a very big deal and taught people that you should always respect other people's things and ask for permission before taking them.