ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jawa, Jordan

Okay kiddo, let me explain Jawa and Jordan to you in a way that's easy to understand.

Jawa is a fictional species in the Star Wars universe. They are small, humanoid creatures that live on the planet Tatooine. Jawa are known for being scavengers who collect and trade scrap and droids. They wear brown robes and have glowing yellow eyes that make them look a little scary.

Jordan, on the other hand, is a real country in the Middle East. It's located east of the Mediterranean Sea and shares borders with several other countries, including Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. Jordan is also known for its ancient ruins and historical sites, including the city of Petra, which is carved into rock formations. The country is mostly desert, but there are some fertile areas where people grow crops and raise livestock.

So, in summary, Jawa is a pretend species in Star Wars that like to collect and trade things, while Jordan is a real country in the Middle East that has cool ancient buildings and desert landscapes.