ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jennie Alexander

Jennie Alexander was a person who loved to make things out of wood. She was really good at it! She was especially good at making chairs that were very strong and comfortable to sit in.

Jennie had a special way of making chairs, which she called "green woodworking." This meant that she used wood that was still fresh and hadn't been dried out yet. This made the wood easier to work with and helped her chairs to be extra strong.

Jennie was also really good at teaching other people how to make chairs. She wrote a book called "Make a Chair from a Tree" that explains how to make a chair using her special green woodworking methods.

Many people still use Jennie's methods today to make beautiful and sturdy chairs. She was a very special person who will be remembered for her love of woodworking and her dedication to sharing her knowledge with others.