ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jet fuel

Okay kiddo, so imagine you have a toy car that you want to make go really fast. You can make it go faster by blowing air on it with your mouth, right?

Well, a big airplane is like that toy car, but instead of air, it needs special liquid called jet fuel to make it go fast.

Jet fuel is a special kind of fuel made from petroleum, which comes from the ground. It looks clear and smells a little like gasoline, but it's different.

Airplanes have special engines that mix the jet fuel with air and then light it on fire. This creates a big explosion called combustion, which makes hot gas that shoots out the back of the engine. The force of the gas pushing out is what makes the airplane go forward and fly in the air!

But jet fuel is different from the fuel we use in cars or trucks. It needs to be very clean and pure so it doesn't damage the engines in planes. It also needs to be able to work at high altitudes and low temperatures, where other fuels might not work so well.

That's why jet fuel is made with a lot of special chemicals and processes to make it just right for airplanes. Without it, we wouldn't be able to fly around the world like we can today! Pretty cool, huh?