ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jiao Yu

Jiao Yu is a method of teaching and learning that they use in China. It's like going to school but in a different way.

In Jiao Yu, you have a teacher who helps you learn different things like math, science, history, and language. The teacher gives you special books that have information and exercises inside. You have to complete the exercises and study the information in the book so that you can learn more about the topic.

In Jiao Yu, you also have to listen carefully to the teacher when they are explaining something new. Sometimes you have to ask questions if you don't understand and the teacher will help explain it to you. You also have to do your homework every day to make sure you understand what you learned in class.

Jiao Yu also teaches children how to be respectful and kind to their classmates and teachers. They learn to be good listeners and to work together in a team to solve problems.

So, in summary, Jiao Yu is a way of teaching and learning different subjects like math, science, and history. Children follow a special book to learn and complete exercises, listen carefully to their teacher, and work together as a team to solve problems. They also learn to be respectful and kind towards their classmates and teachers.