ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jing (Chinese medicine)

Jing is like a special energy that Chinese medicine believes we are born with. It's like a spark that helps us to grow and become a strong and healthy person. Think of it like a battery that helps us stay full of energy and life.

But, just like a battery, our Jing can run out if we don't take care of it. So, we need to be mindful of what we eat, how we sleep, and how we take care of our bodies to keep our Jing strong.

Some foods, like bone broth and certain herbs, can help boost and protect our Jing. Restful sleep and exercise can also help keep our Jing strong. On the other hand, stress, poor sleep, and unhealthy habits can drain our Jing and leave us feeling tired and run down.

So, in Chinese medicine, Jing is a very important concept because it helps us understand how to take care of our bodies and maintain our health and vitality.