ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jing (TCM)

Jing is a special word used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to describe something very important in our bodies. Think of it like a special kind of energy or fuel that we need to have to be healthy and strong.

This "jing energy" is actually made up of a few different parts. First, there's something called the "original jing," which we get from our parents when we're born. This is like the basic building block for our jing energy.

Then, there's something called "acquired jing," which we get from food, air, and water. This helps keep our jing energy topped up and strong.

Finally, there's something called "essence jing," which is sort of like our body's reserves. This jing energy is stored away so that we can use it later if we need it.

All of these different types of jing energy work together to help our bodies stay healthy and strong. They help our bones, muscles, and organs stay strong and work properly.

If we don't have enough jing energy, we might feel tired, weak, or get sick more easily. But if we take good care of ourselves and make sure we get plenty of rest, exercise, and healthy food, we can keep our jing energy strong and vibrant!