ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Job (biblical figure)

Okay kiddo, so Job is a guy from a really long time ago in the Bible. He was a really good man who loved God and did nice things for others. But, one day, some bad stuff happened to him - his animals ran away, his house fell down, and he got really sick. Job was very sad and didn't understand why these bad things were happening to him, even though he was a good person.

Job's friends tried to tell him that he must have done something bad to deserve all this, but Job knew he hadn't. He was confused and upset, but he didn't stop believing in God. In the end, God rewarded Job for his patience and faith by giving him even more than he had before - new animals, a new house, and more children.

So, the story of Job is about how even when bad things happen to good people, we should still trust in God and be patient, because good things can come from it in the end.