ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Johann Blumhardt

Johann Blumhardt was a man who lived a long time ago in Germany. He was a pastor, which means he worked for a church and helped people with their problems. But he wasn't just any pastor - he was special because he believed in something called "spiritual healing."

Now, spiritual healing means that you can help people feel better not just by giving them medicine or doing surgery, but by talking to them and praying for them. Johann Blumhardt thought that if he helped people get rid of their bad thoughts and feelings, they would feel better physically too.

One day, a woman came to him and said she was possessed by a demon. Now, a demon is like a really bad ghost - it can hurt you or make you do bad things. But Johann didn't believe in demons, so he thought the woman was just sick. He talked to her and prayed for her, and eventually she felt better.

After that, a lot of people came to see Johann because they thought he could help them too. He became famous for his spiritual healing and people came from all over to hear him speak. Even today, some people still remember Johann Blumhardt as an important figure in religious history.