ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Johann Paul Schor

Johann Paul Schor was a person who lived a long time ago, around 400 years ago. He was very good at drawing and painting things, like big buildings and pretty landscapes.

One thing that was special about Johann Paul Schor was that he used a special tool called a "perspective frame" to help him draw. This frame was like a little window that he would look through to see the world in a certain way. It helped him make his drawings and paintings look very realistic, like they were actually right there in front of you!

Johann Paul Schor was born in Germany, but later he moved to Italy. There, he worked for a famous artist named Pietro da Cortona, who was very impressed with Johann's skills. Johann became famous for his artwork and people from all over would come to see his drawings and paintings.

Even though Johann Paul Schor lived a long time ago, his art is still important and inspiring to people today. Many artists still look at his drawings and paintings and try to learn from them. So even though he lived a long time ago, his work is still remembered and admired today.