ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

John 9

John 9 is a story in a very important book called the Bible. It tells the story of a man who was born blind, which means he couldn't see anything. One day, Jesus and his followers saw the man and Jesus' followers asked him if the man was born blind because of his or his parents' sin. Jesus said the man was born blind so that God's work could be shown in him - in other words, to show how powerful God is.

Then, Jesus did something really amazing. He spat on the ground, made some mud with his saliva, and put the mud on the man's eyes. He then told the man to go wash in a specific pool. The man did what Jesus said and when he washed the mud off his eyes, he could see! Everyone who knew the man was amazed because they had never seen him without his blindness before.

Some people were confused and didn't believe that Jesus did this miracle. They asked the man how he could see now, and he told them that Jesus put mud on his eyes and when he washed it off, he could see. The people didn't believe him, so they took the man to the religious leaders to ask them what they thought.

The leaders were also confused and didn't believe that Jesus did this miracle. They didn't like Jesus because he was doing things that were against their beliefs, so they asked the man's parents if he was really born blind. The parents confirmed that he was born blind, but they were too scared to say anything else because they were afraid of being kicked out of the religious community.

The leaders then asked the man again how he could see, and the man told them the same thing he told everyone else - that Jesus put mud on his eyes and he could see after he washed it off. The leaders were angry and didn't want anyone to believe in Jesus, so they kicked the man out of the religious community.

Jesus found out what happened and went to talk to the man. He asked the man if he believed in him, and the man said yes. Jesus then explained that he came into the world to bring sight to the blind, and that the people who thought they could see but were actually blind would be judged for their disbelief.

This story teaches us that even if we are different in some way, like being blind, God can still use us to do amazing things and show his power. It also teaches us that sometimes people won't believe in us or in Jesus, but we should always have faith and believe in what we know is true.