ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

John Broadus Watson

John Broadus Watson was a man who lived a long time ago and was very interested in how people learn things. He did a lot of research and wrote many books about it.

He believed that people's behaviors are mainly influenced by their environment or surroundings, which means the things around them, such as their families, friends, and the things they see and hear.

He thought that people could learn any behavior they wanted, no matter how good or bad it is, by copying others around them. He called this process "behaviorism."

Watson also did an experiment on a little boy called "Little Albert." He wanted to see if he could teach the boy to be afraid of something he wasn't afraid of before. To do that, he made a loud noise behind the boy every time he played with a white rat, a soft furry thing. Watson wanted to see if the boy would start to be afraid of rats. The experiment worked, and the boy became afraid of rats, even if there was no loud noise.

However, some people didn't like the way Watson thought about humans because they didn't believe that people could only be influenced by their environment. They thought that individuals have their thoughts and feelings, which could also help in influencing their actions.