ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Johnson v. Eisentrager

Okay, so imagine you have some toys that you really like and you take them with you to school. But then a teacher takes them away from you and puts them in a locked cabinet. You're really upset because you love those toys and want them back.

Now imagine you're some people called "enemy combatants" who are being held in a prison by the US military. You're upset because you want to be let go and you think you have a right to go to court to ask for help.

Well, a long time ago, some of these enemy combatants tried to go to court, but the US Supreme Court said they couldn't because they weren't in the US and they weren't Americans. The Supreme Court said it was like if someone took your toys and put them in a cabinet at their house. You can't go to their house and demand your toys back.

So, in short, the Johnson v. Eisentrager case decided that enemy combatants who are not US citizens and who are being held outside of the US cannot use the US court system to try to get released from prison.