ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Joke theft

Okay kiddo, so you know how when you come up with a really funny joke and you tell it to your friends and they laugh? Well, imagine if someone else heard your joke and then started telling it to their friends or putting it on the internet without giving you any credit for it. That's called joke theft. It's like taking something that belongs to someone else without asking or saying thank you.

It's not a very nice thing to do because it's not fair to the person who came up with the joke in the first place. Just like how you wouldn't want someone to take your toy without asking, comedians don't want other people stealing their jokes without asking or giving them credit. Plus, it can make the person who came up with the joke feel sad or frustrated when they see someone else getting credit for something they worked hard on.

That's why it's important to always give credit where credit is due, and not to take credit for someone else's work.