ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Journal of Theoretical Biology

Okay, kiddo, you know how our bodies are made up of lots of tiny cells, right? Well, there are some really smart grown-ups called biologists who like to study these cells and figure out how they work. They write down what they discover in something called a journal.

The Journal of Theoretical Biology is just one of these special journals where biologists can write and share their ideas about how cells and living things work. But instead of just talking about what they observe, they also use math, computers, and other fancy tools to help them understand how cells might work in the future or how living things evolved over time.

So, imagine you're playing with a big pile of blocks. You can use your hands to see how they stack up and build different shapes, and that's like how biologists use microscopes and experiments to study cells. But what if you could use a magic wand to predict what the blocks would look like if you added more or took some away? That's kind of what mathematicians do to help biologists understand how cells might change and grow over time.

The Journal of Theoretical Biology is like a big book of all these ideas and predictions, which other scientists can read and use to come up with even more ideas. And if all these grown-ups keep working together, who knows what amazing things they might discover!