ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Judi Chamberlin

Judi Chamberlin was a brave lady who stood up for the rights of people who were struggling with their mental health. Sometimes people feel sad, scared, or worried about things, and that is okay, but sometimes it can make it hard to do things like go to school, work or have fun. People who feel that way may need help from doctors or counselors, but sometimes they can be treated badly or unfairly.

Judi had been treated for her own mental health struggles, and realized that a lot of other people were going through the same thing. She decided to speak up and help people who were being treated unfairly. She started a group called the Mental Patients Liberation Front, which helped people to feel empowered and speak out about their experiences.

Judi believed that people should be in charge of their own mental health care and not have to rely on doctors or hospitals all the time. She called for better treatment and care for people with mental illnesses, and worked to eliminate the stigma that often surrounded mental illness.

Thanks to Judi's hard work and the work of others like her, people with mental health conditions are now treated better and with more respect. We still have a long way to go, but Judi was a hero who helped pave the way for change.