ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Juju is like magic Lego for computer programs. When someone wants to build a program, they need a lot of different parts - kind of like how you need different Lego blocks to build a big castle. Juju helps people build programs by letting them easily find and put together all the different parts they need.

Just like how there are a lot of different Lego blocks with different shapes and colors, there are a lot of different parts that can go into a computer program. Some parts might help the program talk to other programs, some might help it store and organize data, and some might help it run really fast. Juju helps people find all these different parts and connect them together, like snapping together Lego blocks.

When people use Juju to build a program, they don't have to worry as much about all the complicated details. It's kind of like how you can build a cool Lego castle without worrying about how each little brick fits together. Juju makes it easier for people to build programs, and that means they can build cooler and more amazing things!