ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jules Ferry laws

Jules Ferry was a very important person in the history of France. He was a politician who helped to create a set of laws that would make sure all French children could go to school. These laws were called the Jules Ferry Laws.

Before these laws were made, only some French children could go to school. The schools were often for rich families, and poor families could not afford to send their children to school. This meant that many kids didn't have the chance to learn and get an education. This was very unfair and Jules Ferry wanted to change that.

The Jules Ferry Laws were made in the year 1882. They said that all kids in France had to go to school. The government would pay for the schools and the teachers, so even the poorest families could send their kids to school for free.

The laws also said that the schools had to teach certain things, like reading, writing, and math. The schools would teach French history and culture, as well as science and other important things.

Thanks to these laws, more and more kids started going to school. They learned how to read and write, and they could get better jobs when they grew up. This made France a stronger and smarter country.

So, Jules Ferry Laws are a set of laws made a long time ago in France that made sure all kids could go to school, even the poorest ones. And this helped the country become a better place to live.