ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Julian day

Okay kiddo, today we are going to learn about something called Julian Day. It's like a special way to count the days. It all started a long long time ago with a person who was very smart called Julius Caesar. He was a Roman emperor, and he wanted to make a calendar that was better than the one they had before. He made a special calendar with 365 days in a year, and one extra day for leap years.

The Julian Day is a way to keep track of what day it is in a really easy way. It’s a number starting from 1, which represents January 1st, 4713 BC. Yeah, a really long time ago! The Julian Day never restarts, and it keeps counting and counting forever. So, for example, today is a Julian Day number of 2459569.

It’s kind of like counting the days from when the universe began! The Julian Day is a big number, but it’s always handy to astronomers and scientists because it makes it easy to compare dates and events from different cultures, time periods, and calendars.

So Julian Day is a special way to count days that started a long time ago and never restarts. It’s like counting from the beginning of time. Astronomers and scientists like to use it to compare dates and events from different places and times.