ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

July 26 Movement

The July 26 Movement was a group of people who wanted to bring changes to their country, Cuba. They felt that the leader at the time, named Fulgencio Batista, was not treating the people of Cuba fairly.

The members of the July 26 Movement believed that they could make a difference and improve the lives of the Cuban people by taking action. They decided to start a revolution, which means they wanted to overthrow Batista and his government.

The movement was named after an important event that happened on July 26, 1953. A man named Fidel Castro led a group of rebels in an attack on a military base in Cuba. Although the attack was not successful, it brought attention to the movement and made people more aware of the issues that they were fighting for.

Over the next few years, the July 26 Movement grew in strength and support. They continued to fight against Batista's government and gained a lot of support from the Cuban people. Eventually, in 1959, the revolution was successful and Batista was overthrown.

Fidel Castro became the new leader of Cuba and the July 26 Movement became an important part of Cuban history. Today, the movement is remembered as a group of brave individuals who fought for what they believed in and for the betterment of their country.