ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jumping position

Jumping position is like playing a game of hopscotch. Did you ever play hopscotch when you were little? Do you remember jumping with both feet into numbered squares drawn on the ground?

Well, jumping position is similar to that, except instead of playing hopscotch, you are riding a horse! When a horse jumps over a fence or an obstacle, the rider needs to use jumping position to stay balanced and not fall off the horse.

To use jumping position, the rider needs to stand up in the stirrups and lean forward over the horse's neck. This helps the rider's weight balance out as the horse jumps into the air. When the horse lands on the other side of the obstacle, the rider has to sit back down in the saddle so they can keep riding.

Jumping position is important because it helps the rider and the horse work together to jump safely and successfully. It's like having a good teammate when you're playing a game of hopscotch - you help each other out to win the game!