ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A jury is a group of people who decide whether somebody did something that they were accused of doing. They listen to all the information about what happened, and then make a decision based on that information.

Think of a jury like a group of kids playing a game. Let's say two kids got into a fight, and now they're arguing over who started it. The other kids would listen to what each kid had to say, and then they would decide who they think is telling the truth.

The people who make up a jury are called jurors. They have to be fair and listen to all the evidence before they make a decision. They're kind of like grown-up referees who make sure everyone is playing by the rules.

Juries are used in big and important cases, like when somebody is accused of committing a crime. The jury decides if that person is guilty or innocent based on all the evidence that is presented in court.

So, a jury is like a group of people who are given the responsibility of making an important decision based on the evidence they hear. It's kind of like a game of "who's telling the truth," but it can have serious consequences for the people involved.