ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Juventutem is a group of young people who belong to the Catholic Church. Their name comes from the Latin word "juventus," which means youth. Juventutem was formed to help young Catholics learn more about their faith and support each other on their spiritual journeys.

Juventutem is about creating a community where young Catholics can feel like they belong. They do this by organizing events like retreats, pilgrimages, and conferences where young Catholics can come together and learn more about their faith. They also have a strong focus on traditional Catholic practices, like the Latin Mass.

One of the important things Juventutem believes is that young people should be able to experience the beauty and tradition of the Catholic Church. They work hard to preserve these elements of the faith, like the use of Latin in the Mass, because they believe it helps connect Catholics to their history and roots.

Overall, Juventutem is a group that helps young Catholics learn more about their faith and feel like they are part of a bigger community. They believe in the importance of tradition and preserving the beauty of the Catholic Church for future generations to enjoy.