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Körber European Science Prize

The Körber European Science Prize is a special award given to scientists who have done really important and amazing research in Europe. It's like a big gold medal for doing a great job in science!

You know how scientists are like superheroes? They wear lab coats and use special tools to discover things and make the world a better place. Well, when scientists do something super cool, they can win this prize!

Every year, some of the smartest scientists in Europe are nominated for the Körber European Science Prize. These scientists have spent many years studying and researching to understand things that nobody else knows yet.

Now, you know how you can win a trophy if you're the fastest runner or the best soccer player? Well, this prize is like a trophy for scientists, but it's way bigger and more special. It's like the greatest honor you can get if you're a scientist in Europe.

When the scientists are nominated, a group of really super smart experts comes together to choose the winner. They look at all the amazing things the scientists have done. This could be discovering new medicines to help people, finding ways to protect the environment, or even studying the stars and galaxies in space.

Once the winner is chosen, there's a big ceremony where they get to stand on a tall stage and receive the prize. It's like a fancy party where all the smartest people in Europe come to celebrate the amazing work of the scientist.

But winning the prize is not just about getting the trophy. The winner also gets a big bag of money to help them do even more research and make even more important discoveries! This way, they can continue helping people and making the world a better place.

So, the Körber European Science Prize is really special because it celebrates the hard work and incredible achievements of some of the smartest scientists in Europe. It's like saying, "Wow, you're super smart and you're making the world a better place! Thank you!"