ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so Kali is a goddess in Hinduism. She is usually shown as a lady with black skin, and she has four or eight arms. Kali is a fierce and powerful goddess, but she is also a symbol of love and compassion.

She is often depicted with a long tongue sticking out of her mouth, and she wears a necklace made of skulls. These things might seem scary, but they actually represent that Kali is a protector of her devotees.

Kali is also an important symbol of the cycle of birth and death. She is associated with destruction, but this destruction is necessary to make way for new life and growth. In this way, Kali is a reminder that change can be scary, but it is also necessary.

People who worship Kali believe that she can help them overcome their fears and obstacles. They also believe that Kali can give them strength and protection. Many people pray or meditate on Kali to ask for her help and guidance.

So, in summary, Kali is a goddess in Hinduism who represents both destruction and protection. She is often depicted with scary symbols, but these symbols represent her role as a protector of her devotees. People who worship Kali believe that she can help them overcome their fears and obstacles in life.