ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kamehameha Schools

Kamehameha Schools is a group of schools in Hawaii that were founded a very long time ago by Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop. She was a very important princess in Hawaii because she was directly related to the famous King Kamehameha I. She wanted to use her wealth and resources to help bring a better education to Hawaiian children who might not have had access to it otherwise.

So, she used the money she had inherited to create a trust fund that would help create and support a school that would serve Hawaiian children exclusively. This school is called Kamehameha Schools, and it's been around for over 100 years. The schools have a special Hawaiian culture curriculum, which means students learn about and celebrate the unique Hawaiian culture and history.

Today, Kamehameha Schools is one of the most prestigious schools in Hawaii, and it continues to provide educational opportunities to young Hawaiian children who might not otherwise have them.