ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Kamikakushi is a Japanese word that means "spirited away" or "hidden by deities". It is a term that refers to supernatural occurrences where people or things disappear without any explanation.

Imagine you have a toy that you really love, and you always take care of it. One day, you leave it on the kitchen table before going to sleep. The next morning, you wake up, and your toy is not there anymore. You search your whole house, but you can't find it. It's like the toy has vanished into thin air.

That's what kamikakushi is like. Except, in Japan, they believe that deities or spirits are responsible for it. Sometimes, it's said that these deities take things away to punish people or to teach them a lesson. Other times, they do it just for fun or mischief.

Kamikakushi can also happen to people. For example, let's say you're walking in the woods, and suddenly you feel like you're walking in circles. You turn around, and you can't find your way back to the trail. You try to retrace your steps, but the trees and bushes look different from before. It's like the forest has swallowed you up.

Again, Japanese people attribute this to the work of deities or spirits who have taken the person away to the spirit world. It's said that sometimes, these people come back, but they are forever changed by their experience. Other times, they are never seen again.

In summary, kamikakushi is the Japanese belief in supernatural disappearances and occurrences that cannot be explained by normal means. It is often attributed to the work of deities or spirits who have hidden things or taken people to the spirit world.