ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Kampo is a type of traditional Japanese medicine that's been used for a long, long time. Imagine a long time ago, before doctors had all the fancy tools and machines they have now. People would use herbs and plants to help cure themselves when they got sick. That's kind of like what kampo is - a way to use natural ingredients to make people feel better when they're not feeling well.

Kampo has been around for over a thousand years. People who practice kampo believe that a person's body is made up of different energies, kind of like how some people believe that the earth has different energies. And in order to keep these energies in balance so that someone is healthy, certain herbs, plants, and other natural things are used.

Kampo practitioners will look at a person's body and listen to what they are feeling, and then decide what kind of herbs or other natural things should be used to help that person feel better. The herbs and plants used in kampo have been studied for a long, long time, and practitioners know which ones work best for different health issues.

So, in short, kampo is kind of like putting a bunch of different natural things together to help someone's body feel better. It's like using your kitchen ingredients to make a healthy meal when you're feeling under the weather, except kampo practitioners have been studying ancient recipes for centuries!